the other night i had a sex dream involving alison goldfrapp. this was surprising to me for two reasons:
1. i don't usually have a lot of sex dreams involving actual physical play. i'm more prone to "emotional" sex dreams where the current object cathected by my libidinal energy is doing shit like holding my hand, looking me in the eye or assuring me that i was always the one for them. i've had these about both men and women. but this was my first actual sex dream involving a woman. and even though two women and one man were trying to "get down" with me, i was only interested in alison. even more curious, even after we kissed extensively, i was still in complete turmoil about whether she liked me or not. (okay, after i typed that out it became a little less curious to me why i was in such turmoil. ha.)
2. also interesting was the fact that she was wearing the fucking harlequin jumpsuit she's adopted for all of the "seventh tree" promo shoots. i hate jumpsuits and i hate harlequin motifs. now, i'm not phobic about clowns or anything but i don't really "get" them, they make me uncomfortable, primarily because i've never found one funny. ever. and a harlequin may be the classy, frenched-up version of the american "sad hobo clown" in better makeup and silkier duds (sidenote: TERRIFYING) but a clown it remains, none the less. so even when i saw the hotness that is alison goldfrapp cavorting around in the woods wearing a harlequin jumpsuit i was supremely sceptical.
yet, in my dream, i learned something interesting about jumpsuits. after alison walked off from me (in the dream) to do her show, i followed her, forlorn and confused. i wandered up to her, doing my best not to appear so obviously fragile, and said something like,
"alison - do you really like me? i mean... do you...?"
she didn't answer. instead, she unbuttoned the front of her jumpsuit entirely, to show me that she wasn't wearing anything at all underneath... nothing at all. hmmm.... maybe there is something to the jumpsuit. hm hm hmmmm. i guess this is my window into what it must be like to have a penis - imagining all of the fun ways women can be naked under their clothes. (did you know that everyone is naked under their clothes? fascinating.) *
* i've got a pretty fucking good handle on what this dream is about, don't think i'm avoiding it. i'm just trying to focus on the positives, here.
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